November 13, 2022

IoT Security in 2023: Zero Trust Security

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This blog post will provide an overview of the Zero Trust security model and how it can be used, in combination with a security platform, to improve security for IoT devices. We’ll also discuss some of the challenges that come with implementing zero trust architecture and offer some tips for overcoming those challenges. Let’s get started.

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow in popularity, so does the need for improved security measures. The use of IoT devices has expanded beyond the home and into businesses and modernising industries, making it more important than ever to ensure that these devices are secure.

One way to do this is by using a security framework like the Zero Trust Framework. The Zero Trust Framework was created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to improve security for IoT devices.

The framework is based on the principle of “zero trust,” which means that no one is automatically trusted just because they have access to a certain system or network. Instead, all users are treated as potential threats and must be verified before being granted access.

The Zero Trust Security Framework

The Zero Trust framework is a security model that advocates for the elimination of trust in any one system or entity. In a zero trust environment, every user, device, and service is treated as untrusted and must be verified before being granted access.

The zero trust framework was designed to address the shortcomings of traditional security models, which rely on perimeter-based defences and trust assumptions.

By adopting a zero trust approach, organizations can better defend against sophisticated attacks that bypass traditional security controls.

There are many different implementations of the zero trust framework, but all share common principles:

1. All users, devices, and services are treated as untrusted.

2. Access is granted based on verification, not trust.

3. Security is enforced at every point in the system.

4. Data is always protected.

5. The system is constantly monitored for suspicious activity.

With an increased proliferation of IoT devices, and their unique cybersecurity challenges, the zero trust model has attempted to address device and user trust.

IoT Security Solutions

In the wake of high-profile IoT breaches, many organizations are searching for ways to bolster their IoT security posture. There are a number of IoT security solutions available, but it can be difficult to know where to start.

The Zero Trust Framework is a good starting point for thinking about IoT security. Zero Trust is a security model that assumes that all devices and users are untrustworthy by default. This means that all traffic must be verified and authenticated, regardless of whether it is coming from inside or outside the network.

By adopting a Zero Trust approach to IoT security, organizations can ensure that only authorized devices and users have access to sensitive data and systems.

Organizations can implement different IoT security solutions within the Zero Trust Framework. For example, device authentication can be used to verify that each device on the network is legitimate and authorized. Data encryption can also be used to protect sensitive data as it travels across the network.

Additionally, user access control and least privilege access can be used to restrict which users have access to which data and systems. By implementing these and other security measures within the Zero Trust Framework, organizations can greatly improve their overall IoT security posture.

This approach eliminates the need for a centralised trust authority, making it more difficult for attackers to compromise IoT devices and networks.

There are a number of different IoT security solutions available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most popular options:

Hardware-Based Security Solutions

Hardware-based security solutions are physical devices that can be used to secure IoT devices and networks. They typically include features such as firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), and encryption modules.

Hardware-based security solutions have the advantage of being able to physically prevent unauthorised access to IoT devices and networks. However, they can be expensive to deploy and manage, and may not be compatible with all types of IoT devices.

Software-Based Security Solutions

Software-based security solutions are programs that can be installed on IoT devices or servers to secure them against attacks. They typically include features such as firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), and encryption modules. Software-based security solutions have the advantage of being less expensive than hardware-based solutions, and they often involve reduced security complexity compare with Hardware based solutions.

When it comes to securing the internet of things (IoT), there are many different approaches that organizations can take. One popular solution is the use of security gateways. A security gateway is a device that sits between an IoT device and the network it’s connected to. The gateway acts as a buffer, inspecting traffic and filtering out malicious or unwanted content. This helps to protect the IoT device from attacks and ensures that only authorized traffic can pass through.

Another solution is the use of encryption. Encryption is a process of transforming data so that it can only be read by those with the appropriate key. This is an effective way of protecting data in transit, as it makes it very difficult for attackers to intercept and decipher communications. When combined with other security measures, such as authentication, encryption can provide a high level of protection for IoT devices and networks.

Creating A Zero Trust Enterprise

The Zero Trust Framework can be used as a theoretical approach to secure IoT devices and networks. The framework focuses on identifying and verifying users, rather than blindly trusting them like traditional security models do.

However, to implement zero trust requires security solutions to identify, manage and control access for each user and device. Organizations should carefully consider which IoT security solutions are right for them. By taking a holistic approach and combining multiple solutions, organizations can create an effective defence against the ever-evolving threat landscape.

In addition to the Zero Trust Framework, organizations should also consider implementing an IoT security management system. An IoT security management system can provide centralised visibility and control over all devices on the network.

This includes monitoring for anomalies and suspicious activity, enforcing access policies, and alerting administrators when potential threats are detected. With the number of devices and users, this can create very complex IoT security ecosystems, which presents its own management challenges, such as time based restraints and overly complex architecture.

Organizations should also explore advanced threat protection solutions such as machine learning-based malware detection and intrusion prevention systems. These systems can detect malicious activity before it is able to cause harm to the network or its connected devices.

Ultimately, organizations must take a holistic approach to IoT security to adequately protect their data and systems from malicious actors. Implementing a combination of Zero Trust principles, access control, encryption, and advanced threat protection solutions will help ensure that organizations can remain secure in the face of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Implementing Zero Trust Architecture

There are several steps you can take to secure your IoT devices and protect your data from being compromised. Security solutions for IoT devices and explain how the Zero Trust Framework can help you further reduce your risk of exposure.

User Identity

When it comes to securing IoT devices, one of the most important things you can do is ensure that only authorized users have access to them. Strong authentication methods such as two-factor authentication (2FA) or biometric verification can help you verify the identity of users before granting them access to your devices and data.


Another important step you can take to secure your IoT devices is to encrypt all communication between them. This means that even if someone were to gain access to your network, they would not be able to read any of the data being transmitted between devices.

Encryption is a critical part of ensuring data confidentiality and protecting against eavesdropping attacks.

Privilege Management

Segregating your IoT devices from the rest of your network can help limit the damage that could be caused by a breach. By keeping these devices on a separate segment of your network, you reduce the attack surface and limit the access an attacker would have to your data.

Additionally, you should also ensure that each device has the least amount of privileges necessary to perform its job. This will help prevent malicious actors from gaining unrestricted access to all your devices.

Zero Trust Network Access

The Zero Trust Framework is a security model that seeks to protect against insider threats and external attacks by verifying user identity and granting only minimal access to data or systems.

By implementing this framework, you can ensure that all users are authenticated and authorized before they are granted access to sensitive data or systems. This helps keep your IoT devices secure from unauthorised access attempts.

Monitor for suspicious activity

Finally, it’s important to monitor your IoT devices for any suspicious behaviour or activities that could indicate an attack attempt or malicious activity. By monitoring for such activity, you can detect any threats quickly and take appropriate action to protect your data and systems from harm.

Securing your IoT devices is essential in order to protect yourself from cybercrime and other malicious activity. Following these best practices can help you reduce your exposure to risk and keep your data safe from unauthorised access attempts.

Additionally, using a Zero Trust Framework can help ensure that only authenticated and authorized users are given access to your devices and data.


IoT security is an ever-evolving landscape, with new technologies and approaches emerging constantly. The Zero Trust framework offers a comprehensive view of the best practices required to ensure that IoT devices are secure from threats both internal and external.

With this guide, we’ve provided an overview of the key features of the Zero Trust framework and how it can be implemented in 2023. Our aim is to empower you with the knowledge necessary to ensure that your organizations connected devices are protected against risks posed by malicious actors or other sources of harm.

Louise José